Friday, May 29, 2020

Whole School Assembly -- June 5th

Whole School Assembly
Friday, June 5th at 9:00AM
Log in to Google Classroom around 8:55AM for the join link.

This assembly will be approximately a half hour after it begins. It will recognize the hard work students have done this year during the normal school year and acknowledge the trials and tribulations of distance learning. There will be a moment to recognize and celebrate the fifth grade class as a whole. While we are not doing all of our typical end of the year awards, a handful of students will be recognized publicly at this assembly, and there will be a few guest speeches from the student body. Parents/guardians are welcome to attend with their child.
Please limit to one device log in per household.

While not all children will receive individual recognition at this assembly, I would like to express that I have seen growth and maturity in so many students in my class this year. This was not the easiest year for many of us, even before distance learning began. I am proud of the gains that were made, the behaviors that improved, the skills that were developed, and the relationships that were built. I have enjoyed my time with each of your children. I hope they have felt the love and care I hold for them.

Q&A with BMS -- June 1st

Hi families!

We have scheduled a Question and Answer session with BMS for Monday, June 1 at 10:00am. It would be wonderful if all students could attend this one since we are unable to have our traditional step up, tour, and Q&A opportunities that we would typically have in school. 

Please have your child log in to Google Classroom on Monday just before 10am to get the link to attend this meeting.

It'd be great if they wrote down their questions ahead of time in order to have them on hand and not forget. Typically we hear questions about the cafeteria, recess, cell phones, sports/clubs, lockers/locks, "Which house is best?" , "What if I get lost?", homework, specials, etc.

Thank you! I will be sending another email out to you later today or over the weekend with information about the last week of school including: Whole School Assembly, Spirit Week, and any other announcement type of things that come up.

Thanks again for all you have done to make this distance learning thing happen. 

Friday, May 22, 2020

Don't fall into the social media trap

Dear families,
Some of you who dabble in the world of social media may have seen some information going around recently with "New CDC Guidelines for Re-opening Schools."
While this info-graphic was created as a reaction to the CDC's recent recommendations (which can be found HERE), it is not necessarily what you will see moving forward. As I shared with some of my friends yesterday, take it with a grain of salt. School professionals are going to need to have some input on what actually happens. Some of the interpreted recommendations are great in theory, but just not realistic. Please remember, a recommendation is not a mandate.
I suspect it will be quite a while before we have a plan for the re-opening of schools, and even then, I would imagine it will be fairly fluid as things change. We may even have to have multiple plans in place due to the fact we just don't know what the situation is going to look like come fall. A certain level of flexibility will certainly be important for all of us. (Please note this is my personal interpretation of things -- not an official statement representing the RSU nor the DOE.) 
This is a stressful time for everyone -- caregivers, school staff, and kids. It is really hard not knowing what is yet to come. Try to relax and enjoy the sunny day and step away from the "news" for a bit. (I will work on taking my own advice!)

Have a great weekend. Remember, no school on Monday! (Memorial Day)

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Student Belongings Pick Up/School Belongings Drop Offs

Dear families,

Here is the plan for school belonging pick up:

Thursday 8:30-10:30AM

Friday 3:30-5:30PM

There will be two tables out front. The first table will be for bag pickup and the second table will be for returns.

When you come, please return any classroom books as well as any FMS library books you have at home.  You may also bring your student's band instrument if they are NOT planning on playing it at BMS.

Please write MS. HOSKINS on a paper, sticky note, or note card and tuck it into my books so it is sticking out in order for me to get my classroom books back. (I'm looking for: FUZZY MUD, BECAUSE OF MR. TERUPT, SPACE CASE, HOLY ENCHILADA, etc.!!)

Not sure what books your child has from the library? Go to the Hub's Library page to watch a video showing how you can log into their FMS Library account and find out:

Please do pick up student belongings if you are able! Items included in their bags are: Math journal,  grammar journal, literacy binder, notebooks, student portfolios, and small personal items belonging to students.

I am uncertain how "lost and found" type items may go. For example, I had a crate full of pencil boxes that were un-named and tucked on windowsills or behind bins. I also have a basket of clothing items. Hopefully there is a way to get these returned to you/your children as well!

Friday, May 8, 2020

Mother's Day Greeting

Happy Mother's Day weekend to all the moms and grammys out there!
You are loved and appreciated!

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Upcoming Tick Talk, Friday, May 8th at 1PM

Our class meeting on Friday will be hosted by Adina Bercowicz of LymeTV for a very special Tick Talk. We will listen to a presentation, have a Q&A, and play a game on Kahoot! I hope all students can attend this important and engaging conversation!

Meet Adina and get a peek at some Tick Prevention tips for you and your family by watching the video below!
Note: There is one bleeped out swear and a written swear on a pair of socks. Use your own discretion if you'd like to share this one with your child. However, I would consider the video to be age appropriate, informative, and unoffensive.

To learn more about ticks and watch other great informative videos, visit: Lyme TV