Tuesday, March 17, 2020

March 17th Updates

Hello families!

I am trying to find ways to stay in communication without overwhelming you. I hope this helps! 

Google Classroom: In order to stay connected, it is my goal to add links, optional assignments, or check-ins to Google Classroom at least once daily.  I have already heard from three students via email, and I know many more are doing their best to fit in some learning from a distance.

Students can log in to Google Classroom with their rsu1 student account firstname.lastname@rsu1.org  and their password they've been using at school to log in to their chromebook. Please email me for assistance with password retrieval. 

Digital Pen Pals: Leah started a Google Doc letter exchange with me. This was wonderful! What I like about the Google Doc is it becomes an artifact children could print and save in their portfolio. If other students would like to use this as a method for staying connected while we are out, I will do my best to respond to their notes in a timely manner (within a day or two). They should click "Share" and bump the document to me each day they write something new though, or I may not see any changes.

Two other students emailed me through their parents.  This is another great option if parent does not mind sharing their email account with their child. I check my email periodically throughout the day, so I am reachable if you/they have any questions.

An important note about food services:  Starting March 17th (today) between 10:30am- 1pm M-F all RSU1 students may grab & go a free breakfast or lunch at: Dike-Newell, Fisher Mitchell, Phippsburg Elementary School, or Woolwich Central School.

Leprechaun trap, courtesy of Thadeous.
He says, "So what happens is the leprechaun will walk under the trap, trying to get the pot of gold, and disturb the stick that is holding it up. Then the trap will fall down on the leprechaun holding him\her in place."
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Be sure to have your child check out the links I've shared on Google Classroom, as well as the question of the day!

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