Sunday, June 14, 2020

Golden Apple Teacher Award Winner!

In case you hadn't heard, our very own Ms. Levesque (3rd grade teacher) was recently recognized as 99.9 The Wolf's Golden Apple Teacher! While not all of your children would have had her as a teacher, many have benefit from her expertise through before and after school programs, including but not limited to Poetry & Art Club, Breakfast Club, and Book Club. Some kids may even have connected with her simply from book borrowing or getting good book recommendations.  Kudos, Ms. Levesque! This is a well-deserved award and we are so proud!

Below is a quick write-up announcement from the Bath Elementary PTA with more info about the award.
"Hey Bath! Are you ready for some big news? Our very own Nicole Levesque from Fisher Mitchell won the Golden Apple Teacher Award.
That's right, 99.9 The WOLF created this award to recognize individuals dedicated to the intellectual and emotional growth of Maine's children and young adults. I guess we're not the only ones who think Nicole is one amazing 3rd grade teacher. Please help us congratulate her! We love you, Mrs.Levesque. Thanks again for making such a positive impact on our kids!"

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Farewell Parade and T-Shirt Distribution, June 17th

The Fifth Grade Farewell Drive-Thru Parade will begin at 11:00am on Wednesday, June 17th in the bus circle at Fisher-Mitchell School.  Your children will receive their T-shirt at this parade! (T-shirts were provided by our Bath Elementary PTA!)

After you depart Fisher-Mitchell, please continue on to the Bath Middle School bus circle to meet some BMS staff who will be excited to welcome your children to middle school.

You are welcome to decorate your vehicle to celebrate with us! We look forward to seeing you and your children drive through the circle on the 17th!!

Note: Please remain inside your vehicle throughout the "parade" so as to honor our social distancing requirements.

Friday, June 5, 2020

Happy Summer Vacation!

Well, it has been quite the year with your children to say the least! We had many celebrations, a whole lot of growth, and a whole lot of weirdness! While it was certainly not the ending we were expecting, it was a memorable year indeed.

I am wishing all the best for our fifth grade friends as they have reached the end of their elementary career and prepare to head off to BMS.

In the words of the wise Theodor Seuss "Ted" Geisel,
Today is your day.
You're off to Great Places!
You're off and away!

You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself
any direction you choose.
You're on your own. And you know what you know.
And YOU are the guy who'll decide where to go."

Thank you for all of the laughs and for sharing in my personal joys this year,
Ms. Hoskins' Fifth Grade Class of 2019-2020.

Please watch and enjoy the following two videos:

Have a great summer!
Stay in touch!

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Your Kids Aren't Too Young to Talk About Race: Resource Roundup

Race can be a complicated topic which some folks may feel uncomfortable discussing. However, we are unfortunately experiencing another time in our history in which tensions and emotions are especially high surrounding race and racial issues, and the topic is likely to come up with your child whether you are prepared for this or not. They are at an age in which they are very aware of their world and what is going on in it -- and if they're not watching the news themselves or hearing about it from their caregivers directly, they do have friends who are likely to be talking about current events and the news. The protests and riots came up in our Tuesday Zoom call, for example. Children are listening, they are watching, and they are absorbing all of it.

I found this to be a helpful compilation of resources for parents, caregivers, and educators to offer a starting point for discussions around race. I hope you will find it helpful, too.

Your Kids Aren't Too Young to Talk About Race: Resource Roundup

Here is an additional, more recent article from National Geographic (June 1, 2020) which provides a few extra book suggestions:

Talking About Race

More On Summer Reading Program

Thanks to those kiddos who joined for today's Zoom call (either with me or with Ms. Barker) on the Bath Summer Reading Program! I hope many of you will participate in the reading challenge and earn your $15 gift certificate as well as some entries into the raffle for local businesses.

In case you missed it or need to review the information again, here it is!

Summer Reading Program Library Slideshow:

Kahoot! to test your knowledge about the Summer Reading Program:

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Virtual Field Day 2020

FMS Field Day!

In honor of Virtual Field Day, students in Ms. Hoskins' Class are invited to take Wednesday off from distance learning to participate in these fun activities! Enjoy!

Some students have shared that they will be participating in these activities with a friend. Please be mindful of the CDC's recommendations for social distancing if you do gather in a small group. If your child would like to challenge a friend, but you are not comfortable with getting together in person, consider having a virtual call or sharing photos with another family. A Padlet is available for sharing photos, and a class score sheet is available for tracking challengers.
(Ten fun challenges demonstrated by Mr. Carter! Note: Field Day is best suited for outdoors! Check the weather for potential rain, and feel free to participate on Thursday instead if preferred.)

(I believe this Padlet is open to view by anyone with the link, so please only share photos if you're comfortable with your child's photos being on the internet.)

(Please only modify your own row of scores. This is an honor system. There are no prizes. It is all for fun. I hope lots of kids and families will participate!)
Suggested Materials:
  • Laundry Basket
  • Reusable Water Bottle
  • Three Balls
  • Towel
  • Egg
  • Spoon
  • Whipped Cream (or other edible substance)
  • Hat, Pants, Jacket, Sneakers or Boots
  • Sturdy Garbage Bag
  • Two Cups
  • Dish Rag or Face Cloth
  • Bucket
  • Single Use Water Bottle or Soda Bottle
Optional Materials:
  • Camera and/or Phone (for documentation purposes)
  • Score Pad/Pencil (if keeping score)
  • Calculator

Summer Reading

Summer Reading
A summer reading list is available HERE for students entering sixth grade.
The list is conveniently organized by genre. To view other grade levels' reading lists, please visit this link HERE.

On Thursday at 9:30AM, our class will be having a special meeting with a representative from the Patten Free Library to talk about the Bath Summer Reading Program. Students who are in Book Club will be having someone speak at their next club meeting as well, so don't worry about your child coming to both!

In case you weren't already aware, the Patten Free Library is "re-opening" for curbside pick-up, which is very exciting. This is a great way to get your summer reading in without having to spend money on new books. I hope many students will take the time to join our meeting on Thursday!

Friday, May 29, 2020

Whole School Assembly -- June 5th

Whole School Assembly
Friday, June 5th at 9:00AM
Log in to Google Classroom around 8:55AM for the join link.

This assembly will be approximately a half hour after it begins. It will recognize the hard work students have done this year during the normal school year and acknowledge the trials and tribulations of distance learning. There will be a moment to recognize and celebrate the fifth grade class as a whole. While we are not doing all of our typical end of the year awards, a handful of students will be recognized publicly at this assembly, and there will be a few guest speeches from the student body. Parents/guardians are welcome to attend with their child.
Please limit to one device log in per household.

While not all children will receive individual recognition at this assembly, I would like to express that I have seen growth and maturity in so many students in my class this year. This was not the easiest year for many of us, even before distance learning began. I am proud of the gains that were made, the behaviors that improved, the skills that were developed, and the relationships that were built. I have enjoyed my time with each of your children. I hope they have felt the love and care I hold for them.

Q&A with BMS -- June 1st

Hi families!

We have scheduled a Question and Answer session with BMS for Monday, June 1 at 10:00am. It would be wonderful if all students could attend this one since we are unable to have our traditional step up, tour, and Q&A opportunities that we would typically have in school. 

Please have your child log in to Google Classroom on Monday just before 10am to get the link to attend this meeting.

It'd be great if they wrote down their questions ahead of time in order to have them on hand and not forget. Typically we hear questions about the cafeteria, recess, cell phones, sports/clubs, lockers/locks, "Which house is best?" , "What if I get lost?", homework, specials, etc.

Thank you! I will be sending another email out to you later today or over the weekend with information about the last week of school including: Whole School Assembly, Spirit Week, and any other announcement type of things that come up.

Thanks again for all you have done to make this distance learning thing happen. 

Friday, May 22, 2020

Don't fall into the social media trap

Dear families,
Some of you who dabble in the world of social media may have seen some information going around recently with "New CDC Guidelines for Re-opening Schools."
While this info-graphic was created as a reaction to the CDC's recent recommendations (which can be found HERE), it is not necessarily what you will see moving forward. As I shared with some of my friends yesterday, take it with a grain of salt. School professionals are going to need to have some input on what actually happens. Some of the interpreted recommendations are great in theory, but just not realistic. Please remember, a recommendation is not a mandate.
I suspect it will be quite a while before we have a plan for the re-opening of schools, and even then, I would imagine it will be fairly fluid as things change. We may even have to have multiple plans in place due to the fact we just don't know what the situation is going to look like come fall. A certain level of flexibility will certainly be important for all of us. (Please note this is my personal interpretation of things -- not an official statement representing the RSU nor the DOE.) 
This is a stressful time for everyone -- caregivers, school staff, and kids. It is really hard not knowing what is yet to come. Try to relax and enjoy the sunny day and step away from the "news" for a bit. (I will work on taking my own advice!)

Have a great weekend. Remember, no school on Monday! (Memorial Day)

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Student Belongings Pick Up/School Belongings Drop Offs

Dear families,

Here is the plan for school belonging pick up:

Thursday 8:30-10:30AM

Friday 3:30-5:30PM

There will be two tables out front. The first table will be for bag pickup and the second table will be for returns.

When you come, please return any classroom books as well as any FMS library books you have at home.  You may also bring your student's band instrument if they are NOT planning on playing it at BMS.

Please write MS. HOSKINS on a paper, sticky note, or note card and tuck it into my books so it is sticking out in order for me to get my classroom books back. (I'm looking for: FUZZY MUD, BECAUSE OF MR. TERUPT, SPACE CASE, HOLY ENCHILADA, etc.!!)

Not sure what books your child has from the library? Go to the Hub's Library page to watch a video showing how you can log into their FMS Library account and find out:

Please do pick up student belongings if you are able! Items included in their bags are: Math journal,  grammar journal, literacy binder, notebooks, student portfolios, and small personal items belonging to students.

I am uncertain how "lost and found" type items may go. For example, I had a crate full of pencil boxes that were un-named and tucked on windowsills or behind bins. I also have a basket of clothing items. Hopefully there is a way to get these returned to you/your children as well!

Friday, May 8, 2020

Mother's Day Greeting

Happy Mother's Day weekend to all the moms and grammys out there!
You are loved and appreciated!

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Upcoming Tick Talk, Friday, May 8th at 1PM

Our class meeting on Friday will be hosted by Adina Bercowicz of LymeTV for a very special Tick Talk. We will listen to a presentation, have a Q&A, and play a game on Kahoot! I hope all students can attend this important and engaging conversation!

Meet Adina and get a peek at some Tick Prevention tips for you and your family by watching the video below!
Note: There is one bleeped out swear and a written swear on a pair of socks. Use your own discretion if you'd like to share this one with your child. However, I would consider the video to be age appropriate, informative, and unoffensive.

To learn more about ticks and watch other great informative videos, visit: Lyme TV

Monday, April 20, 2020

Puffy Sidewalk Chalk Paint Recipe

I found this recipe online and thought it looked cool! Have fun!

Puffy Sidewalk Chalk Paint Ingredients

  • 1 cup flour
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 tablespoon dish soap – just about any dish soap will work.
  • 5-10 drops food coloring or washable paint

How to Make Sidewalk Chalk Paint:
In a large mixing bowl stir together the flour and water until there are no lumps.
Stir in the dish soap to the flour mixture.
Add food coloring of your choice of color until the desired color is achieved.
Pour the mixture into your squeeze bottle.
Give the kids their new sidewalk paint and let them have fun!
Use up the paint on the same day you make it, this recipe doesn’t save well… it will explode if you leave it closed.
If you are making multiple colors, make each color in a different bowl or one at a time and pour into the bottles and then make the next color.

Friday, April 17, 2020

Alewives at Nequasset - Keep on Swimmin'!

Below is a message I received today from Becky at KELT! I hope your family might consider signing up to count fish this spring.

KELT is continuing the annual fish count with modified procedures to align with health and social distancing safety standards. Perhaps your students may want to sign up to count fish with their family? 


Enjoy Your Break

As we wrap up the first five weeks of our distance learning to take our April Break, I want to say thank you for your dedication to making this possible for your child to whatever extent you've been able. Everyone is at a different place right now with their situation, and I want to recognize that any effort you have made has been appreciated. Please take some time to relax, and help your child to step away from the technology for a bit so they can recharge and get ready for our last 6 weeks or so of online learning. I look forward to reconnecting soon!

If you haven't yet seen it, this article written by Pender Makin, Commissioner of the Maine DOE, is a must-read for all Maine families experiencing distance education. LINK

Be well,
Ms. H.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Book Club with Ms. Barker

Ms. Barker our librarian is inviting new members to the Maine Student Book Award Book Club. Students will have a chance to borrow books, read and meet virtually 1x / week after the break to discuss and share their love of books. Please let her know if you think your student is interested. She can be reached at 

Monday, April 13, 2020

Navigating the Weekly Schedule

As you know, we have officially moved to distance learning for the rest of the school year.  While I am sad not to see my students for face-to-face learning, I am looking forward to watching them continue to grow as learners this year. I miss them very much and I am thinking about them (and you, guardians!) all the time. Please let me know if there's anything I can do to help make distance learning work better for you.

I know some families are struggling to know what to do each day and feel like there is a lot going on. I made a video to show students how to follow our class schedule. I hope this can be handy for parents/guardians, too.  Here's a LINK to our weekly schedule. Here is a VIDEO for you to watch together.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Friday, April 3, 2020

Special LIVE Mystery Doug -- April 7th

Next week, Doug is inviting students into his home for a LIVE, 20-minute science show. He’ll answer real kids’ questions about the current situation we’re all dealing with, as well as share a few fun surprises.
Mystery Doug Livestream
Tuesday, April 7, 1 pm Eastern
Hope your family can join the fun!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

FMS Family Hub

The FMS Family Hub is THE place for all the information and resources you need during the school closure. Please bookmark this site and (ideally) visit it daily!!


The Front Office:  Our front office staff is posting regular video messages on Flipgrid to keep in touch and share important information. Mr. Berkowitz is also doing Morning announcements, and Nurse Ricki and Ms. DeRosa have some great recommended resources for families.

5th Grade: Under the fifth grade tab, you can always find an updated copy of my class Schedule, plus a link to this blog! There's also a link for students to access my Google Classroom.

Support Services: The Support Services tab has links to the Google Classrooms for our special educators and Title 1 service providers.

Library, Music, PE, Art, Guidance: These tabs have links to specialists' blogs, weekly assignments, or Google Classroom pages.

Live Events: COMING SOON... This is a place where we eventually intend to share information and links for whole school "assemblies" or special things that we would like to do LIVE with the kids.

We hope you find the Hub convenient, user friendly, and helpful. It is intended to be a one stop shop for accessing all the resources you and your child need.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Baking at home? No eggs? No problem!

The applesauce substitute is my personal favorite! It makes baked goods nice and moist!

A Fresh New Week

Hi families,

Hopefully everyone is staying healthy and settling into a new routine of sorts. I want to take a moment to recognize how hard this is for everyone and to say how much I appreciate everyone's efforts in making it work to the best of our abilities. Go team!

Ms. Barker has worked really hard in the past week to develop a website for our school which will serve as the information source for all things Fisher-Mitchell. My weekly schedule can be found there under the 5th Grade tab. Resources from specialists can be found under their respective tabs. Information from the office and support services are available through the Hub as well. Please bookmark this page.  I have a link to it on my links bar on the right side of my blog for your convenience, too.  A super cute Hello Video from the staff can be found on the Home page.

Fisher-Mitchell chromebook pick up is today (Mon., March 30) for those whose family has reserved one:


If you did not reserve one, but need one, you can still make a request but may be put on a wait list. Contact Mr. Berkowitz if this applies to you.

Have a great week.

Friday, March 27, 2020

Food & Toiletries Available at the Skatepark 3/27

Hangout Day/Time/Expectations

Virtual Hangout: Tuesdays at 10am!

As of right now, my plan is still to use Zoom for our meeting. However, it may be wise to make sure Google Meet is accessible for your student as well just in case something falls through with the Zoom platform.  Some of my colleagues have reported needing to move to Meet instead.  

A link will be provided on my Google Classroom page at approximately 9:50am the day of our hangout. The hangout will be approximately a half hour.  However, the first one may go a little longer since we are all new to this platform as a "class" and we haven't seen each other in a couple weeks.

Please click the link below and go over the following agenda and expectations with your child before our hangout on Tuesday so they know what to expect:
Video Meeting Expectations

Thanks for bearing with me as this gets up and running. Please help your child to be patient in recognizing there may be some technological glitches that come up, or changes with regards to how we meet. 

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Zoom - How To

We will be getting ready for some Zoom hangouts, hopefully starting next week. Please prepare for this opportunity by making sure your device has Zoom installed. This YouTube video seems helpful to those of us who are new to this platform for communication!

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

At-Home Cooking Club Online!

Does your child like to cook or would you like them to learn this important life skill? Check out this At-Home Cooking Club!

"Stay tuned for a new cooking video releasing every Tuesday and Thursday at 2pm EST made with simple ingredients you hopefully already have in your pantry. Sign up is FREE."

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Virtual Hangout

I know the kids all miss each other, and I miss them. One suggestion from our district leadership is to facilitate weekly hangouts through Zoom or Google Meet. Today, I put a poll on Google Classroom that I would like all students to fill out with their time availability for a virtual hangout with their classmates. Please assist them with this by reminding them of your own schedule at home, and if there is off-limits time for technology. Times listed include hour blocks between 8am-3pm. The virtual hangout will likely be about 30 minutes. (In other words, if the most popular time chosen is 11am, I will pick a day for us to hangout from 11-11:30am.) More info. to come once a time is chosen.

Internet Availability

Hello families,

Happy snowy Tuesday. Thanks to all those who have gotten on and at least checked in with me! I have heard from all but three families at this time, which is pretty awesome. Most kids have checked in on Google Classroom at least a couple times. I am hoping after next Monday, everyone has access and we can be in a bit more a groove with this all. You should be receiving an email from the Asst. Superintendent later in the week with some updates on how we plan to proceed with distance learning.

This morning, we received an email from the Director of Technology in RSU1, Dean Emmerson who wanted you to know the following information:

School and Library WiFi: If you are in need of a connection to the internet, our school parking lots are an option.  We have increased the speeds available to our "guest" network throughout the district.

Other options include the parking lot at local libraries and other school districts.  In Bath, Patten Free Library has a public WiFi network.

Xfinity WiFi Free For Everyone: Xfinity WiFi hotspots located in businesses and outdoor locations across the country will be available to anyone who needs them for free – including non-Xfinity Internet subscribers. For a map of Xfinity WiFi hotspots, visit Once at a hotspot, consumers should select the “xfinitywifi” network name in the list of available hotspots and then launch a browser.

COVID-19 Home Internet options are available:
These company are offering free and discounted internet plans for qualifying households.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

We made it to Saturday!

Congrats, families! You made it through your first week of distance learning! I know there are many things we could all perfect and improve upon, but instead of being critical, let's all take a moment to be proud of what we DID accomplish. 

My biggest celebration of the week is seeing kids smiling through the photos you've sent me, and hearing about what kids are learning and doing outside of school. This is a truly unique time in their lives, and yours, and I think we can appreciate the small moments of individual successes and memories you are making with your children.

My biggest goal is for your children to take time to explore their creative side while they are home. In recent conversations with kids at school, I have learned that not all of them know how to use their imagination. I was sharing a story with a student about how when my brother and I were kids, we would take out all of our toys and stuffed animals and put them on the staircase, which we would pretend was a giant ship we were sailing around the world. The game was called "King Kong" because our King Kong doll was the ship's captain. We would play for hours until we would eventually get in a fight (like siblings do) and have to clean it up and take a break from each other. A student asked me, "You made that up yourselves?" I said, "Yeah! We made up all kinds of weird imaginative games for indoors and outdoors." The student responded, "I don't know how to do that."  It broke my heart. I truly believe the imagination is a muscle we need to exercise constantly or it loses its tone and becomes inflexible. Here is a cool blog I found which has some suggestions for imagination games.  So while you're home, encourage your kiddos to flex those imaginations. It doesn't mean zero screen time and zero structured time, but it's okay to let them be bored and figure it out.

In other non-school news, Mrs. Towle put me onto a couple local farmers' markets in the area.  I was able to get some really great looking carrots today without having to go into a store.  If you need some fresh produce, see what's going on in Bath with the farmers' markets. Some of them, such as I believe Goranson, will accept EBT cards. Many of the local farms have Facebook pages, so you can follow them on there for more info. 

Have a happy and healthy weekend.

Friday, March 20, 2020

March 20th

Yesterday was the vernal equinox, bringing us the earliest spring in over 100 years. Hopefully that means sunnier days soon ahead. (Although, aren't we getting some snow Monday into Tuesday?!)

Check out this article from about the vernal equinox!

I hope you've all been faring well during your first week of at home learning. I have been pleased to see activity from about 10-11 of the kids through Google Classroom, Google Docs, Flipgrid, or a combination of those platforms. I am hoping they're squeezing in some life skills (home skills) learning, creative time, exercise, fun, and socialization time in addition to light learning. I know a lot of kids have been keeping up with reading, which is awesome. I have seen reports from Freckle that kids are getting onto that, too. Thank you to all of you for all you're doing to help keep things going.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

March 19th

Good morning families,

From 9:30-10:30 today and tomorrow, you can pick up your students' work packets from Fisher Mitchell School. Students work packets from me included: the letter I emailed you all, a science matter packet, some construction paper and computer paper, their book club book, and any materials provided by any other service providers your child sees during their day.

The Bath Skate Park invited students to drop by their parking lot last night and on Friday between 4-5PM to get some grab & go foods as well as school supplies. If you missed it Wednesday, try to drop by Friday. What a great community resource! If you don't follow them on Facebook yet, check out Midcoast Community Alliance.

Today I am getting Flipgrid up and running for book club groups. Please continue to have your student check out my Google Classroom page for information on how to connect with classmates as well as some learning opportunities I am sharing there. I am loving hearing from your children in the comments on Google Classroom!

I continue to add learning links to this blog as neat ones come across my newsfeed or get shared by colleagues via email. I hope you'll take some time to explore those with your child. If you're on a mobile device checking out this blog, be sure to scroll down and click "View web version" for better accessibility. The learning links are located on the right side bar on the web version. They don't seem to show up on the mobile viewing screen.

I know there have been some questions about some of the math links. I am going to have a hard time answering those questions as that compilation of learning links was put together by our Title 1 Math team.  Melissa Raedel may be the best point of contact if you have specific questions.   My best offering to you is that many of those links will likely require a parent to sign up for an account before your child can begin to use the resource.

Have a great Thursday everyone.

Ms. Hoskins

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

March 18th

Hello families!

Mr. Berkowitz has created a Flipgrid for FMS to stay in touch with you all. This grid will be run by Mr. B, Nurse Ricki, and Ms. DeRosa. 

In the first post, Mr. B says hello and explains the purpose of the grid, as well as reading some links from our gratitude chain students contributed to back at Thanksgiving time.  It's always great to reflect on the things we are thankful for, but maybe especially during challenging times.

Here is a link to the grid.  Please let me know if you have trouble accessing it.

I will be starting a grid for students to have an opportunity to discuss their book club books. Hopefully they have all received their packets and books by now.  I posted on my Google Classroom page this morning asking if a student from each group could share the goal for end of Week 2 with their classmates as not everyone took their packet home.

Today I added a new learning link with math card game ideas. I hope this helps families find ways to fit in math in a fun way that feels like play.

Also on my Google Classroom page, I am posting daily question for students to answer. About 5 kids have been on so far to check things out. I am loving hearing from them!! Remind them to scroll down each day to see more posts. Some days there will be more new content than others.

I hope you're all doing well. Happy Wednesday.

Ms. Hoskins

I really appreciated this visual I found on Facebook this morning. Thought it might ease some parents'/guardians' stress. We know you are trying to do all the things right now. The things on the right are what's most important.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Pie in the Face Video

RSU1 Meals Update -- Memo from Food Services

March 17th Updates

Hello families!

I am trying to find ways to stay in communication without overwhelming you. I hope this helps! 

Google Classroom: In order to stay connected, it is my goal to add links, optional assignments, or check-ins to Google Classroom at least once daily.  I have already heard from three students via email, and I know many more are doing their best to fit in some learning from a distance.

Students can log in to Google Classroom with their rsu1 student account  and their password they've been using at school to log in to their chromebook. Please email me for assistance with password retrieval. 

Digital Pen Pals: Leah started a Google Doc letter exchange with me. This was wonderful! What I like about the Google Doc is it becomes an artifact children could print and save in their portfolio. If other students would like to use this as a method for staying connected while we are out, I will do my best to respond to their notes in a timely manner (within a day or two). They should click "Share" and bump the document to me each day they write something new though, or I may not see any changes.

Two other students emailed me through their parents.  This is another great option if parent does not mind sharing their email account with their child. I check my email periodically throughout the day, so I am reachable if you/they have any questions.

An important note about food services:  Starting March 17th (today) between 10:30am- 1pm M-F all RSU1 students may grab & go a free breakfast or lunch at: Dike-Newell, Fisher Mitchell, Phippsburg Elementary School, or Woolwich Central School.

Leprechaun trap, courtesy of Thadeous.
He says, "So what happens is the leprechaun will walk under the trap, trying to get the pot of gold, and disturb the stick that is holding it up. Then the trap will fall down on the leprechaun holding him\her in place."
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Be sure to have your child check out the links I've shared on Google Classroom, as well as the question of the day!